
If I Stay


Directed by: R.J. Cutler

Written by: Shauna Cross

Starring: Chloe Grace Moretz

This film had such an interesting premise but was brought down by a bland script and average acting with the exception of Chloe Grace Moretz. Moretz does her best job to save this movie from being a clichéd teen love story with an over-the-top melodramatic score. Even more amazing is how she was able to act off Jamie Blackley’s way too laid back rocker Adam.  Blackley played the rocker part well but love-struck teen was no where on the radar, he had a blank look every time he interacted with Moretz, and his body language said “I don’t give a f**k.” Somehow Moretz was still able to look into his eyes and emote enough for the both of them because I felt her slowly fall in love, the pain over their fights, everything about her performance was completely earnest. With the cello being a central part to story, it could have served as the perfect narration tool, the audience could feel what’s going on in Mia’s head, instead we got clunky heavy handed dialogue that bogged down the script further. This is the type of movie that’s suppose to have you crying along with the characters, and believe me, I’m a huge crier, but for the most part I was just rolling my eyes.


7/10 (really 9/10 for Mortez’s performance, 5/10 for the movie)           


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  1. Pingback: if i stay (2014) | just my rating

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